Urban forests

This theme is concerned with the greenery and other living features that make our built areas more pleasant and more compatible with surrounding open space.

Current issues

  • The county routinely waters during the middle of the day, which is in violation of Water Rule W-8 and sets a bad example.
  • The Aspen School renovation destroyed 25% of the trees on campus, including 50% or more on the playground.
  • Excessive salting of streets for snow and ice negatively impacts landscaping and open space.
  • Routine use of herbicides for weed control puts people and pets at risk and may be excessive for the benefits gained.
  • Routine vehicle parking on vacant lots kills existing plants and, by compacting the soil, makes it harder to grow new plants in the future.

Potential future issues

  • The upcoming roundabout on Trinity Drive is an opportunity to improve the urban forest.

Past issues

  • The recent Central Avenue re-build removed all the trees instead of incorporating them into the new design, setting us back over a decade in the wait for a mature canopy.